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Lyfegen und die Schweizerische Krankenversicherung EGK-Gesundheitskasse kooperieren bei der Senkung der Preise für teure Medikamente

EGK nutzt die Lyfegen-Plattform, um komplexe Preismodelle für die On- und Off-Label-Verwendung von mehr als 80 Medikamenten zu verwalten.


Basel, Schweiz - 29. November 2022 - Lyfegen, ein globales Healthtech-SaaS-Unternehmen, das den weltweiten Übergang von einer volumen- zu einer wertbasierten (value-based) Gesundheitsversorgung für hochpreisige Arzneimittel vorantreibt, gab heute bekannt, dass die EGK-Gesundheitskasse sich seinem Portfolio von Versicherungspartnern anschliesst, um alle ihre Verträge zur wertbasierten Preisgestaltung für hochpreisige Arzneimittel effizient, sicher und transparent auszuführen.

Die Schweiz, mit den vierthöchsten Arzneimittelausgaben pro Kopf, gab in den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres 2022 8 Milliarden Franken (8,1 Milliarden Euro) für Medikamente aus, die für bestimmte Krankheiten verschrieben wurden. Um die hohen Arzneimittelausgaben zu bekämpfen, hat die Schweiz in den letzten fünf Jahren eine wachsende Zahl von Rabattmodellen für den On- und Off-Label-Einsatz von Medikamenten eingeführt. Die Komplexität der Preismodelle führt jedoch dazu, dass die Versicherer Millionenbeträge für die Überwachung und Beurteilung der Preismodelle ausgeben, was zu entgangenen Rabatten in zwei- bis dreistelliger Millionenhöhe führt.

Mit der Software von Lyfegen kann die EGK mit minimalem Aufwand und maximaler Transparenz Rabatte aus 141 Medikamentenpreismodellen von 32 Herstellern identifizieren und einfordern. Dazu gehören Fälle von seltenen oder chronischen Krankheiten, vielversprechende Therapien, die ausserhalb der zugelassenen Indikation eingesetzt werden können, oder neue Medikamente, die in der Schweiz noch nicht erhältlich oder zugelassen sind. Die Plattform von Lyfegen adressiert die Bedürfnisse der Schweizer Krankenversicherer nach Kosteneffizienz und Digitalisierung. Sie hilft, bestehende Komplexitäten im System zu lösen und wirkt hohen Versicherungsprämien entgegen.

„Wir freuen uns, die EGK zu unterstützen und eine aktive Rolle bei der Bewältigung der zunehmenden Komplexität von Medikamentenpreismodellen zu übernehmen, um den nachhaltigen Zugang zu innovativen Medikamenten und Therapien in der Schweiz zu unterstützen“ sagte Nico Mros, CXO und Mitgründer von Lyfegen. „Indem wir uns darauf konzentrierten, die Implementierung der Plattform so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten und auf die EGK einzugehen, konnten wir schnell Ergebnisse präsentieren und die Zusammenarbeit erfolgreich starten!“

"Mit der Lyfegen-Plattform baut die EGK ihren Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Effizienz zum Wohle ihrer Versicherten weiter aus", sagt Carolina Pirelli, Leiterin Leistungen und stv. Geschäftsleiterin bei der EGK. "Die immer grösser werdende Zahl von Preismodellen für Medikamente stellt die Versicherer vor Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Ressourcen und Prozesse. Mit der automatisierten Verarbeitung von Preismodellen über die Lyfegen-Plattform können wir unsere aktuellen Anforderungen perfekt erfüllen und sehen uns mit der Flexibilität, dem Fokus und dem Verständnis von Lyfegen in guten Händen."


Über Lyfegen

Lyfegen ist ein globales SaaS-Analyseunternehmen im Gesundheitsbereich, das eine Plattform für wert- und ergebnisbasierte Verträge für Medikamente, Therapien und Medizingeräte anbietet.

Krankenversicherungen, Pharma- und Medizintechnikunternehmen sowie Spitäler nutzen die sichere Plattform für Tausende von Preismodellen in der Schweiz, Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Nordamerika. Die Lyfegen Plattform unterstützt die Verhandlungen und ermöglicht die automatisierte Ausführung von wertbasierten Preismodellen durch die Analyse von real-world Daten durch intelligente, lernfähige Algorithmen.

Weltweit renommierte Krankenversicherungen, Spitäler, Pharma- und Medizintechnikunternehmen haben die zum Patent angemeldete Plattform von Lyfegen bereits implementiert, um wertbasierte Preismodelle für Medikamente, Therapien und Medizingeräte zu skalieren und damit den Zugang zu Behandlungen sowie Therapieergebnisse für Patienten zu verbessern.

Lyfegen wurde von Personen mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, Pharma und Technologie gegründet und leistet Pionierarbeit bei der Umstellung von der volumenbasierten und kostenpflichtigen Gesundheitsversorgung auf die wertbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Über die EGK-Gesundheitskasse

Die EGK-Gesundheitskasse ist ein KMU-Krankenversicherer mit Sitz in Laufen (BL). Die EGK-Gruppe umfasst die EGK Grundversicherungen AG (Grundversicherung nach KVG), die EGK Privatversicherungen AG (Zusatzversicherung nach VVG) sowie die EGK Services AG (Verwaltung). Sie versichert schweizweit rund 100'000 Personen in der Grundversicherung, 80% von diesen verfügen auch über eine EGK-Zusatzversicherung.

Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit gehören zur Werthaltung der EGK. Sie gilt als Pionierin beim uneingeschränkten Zugang zu exzellenter Komplementärmedizin. Sie lanciert und unterstützt in der ganzen Schweiz Aktivitäten zur natürlichen Stärkung der Gesundheit.

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The Health and Social Consortium of Catalonia to Develop New Value-Based Purchasing Models Incorporating New Tools for Negotiation with the Pharmaceutical Industry


The Health and Social Consortium of Catalonia to Develop New Value-Based Purchasing Models Incorporating New Tools for Negotiation with the Pharmaceutical Industry

Barcelona, April 9, 2024
The Consortium of Health and Social Services of Catalonia has begun to work on value-based drug purchasing models by incorporating new tools for information management and negotiation with the pharmaceutical industry. This is an innovative project in collaboration with the health technology brand Lyfegen, which has developed the largest platform for managing public agreements in the world and a drug contracting simulator that allows for better deals by maximizing value in the purchasing process.

The goal of this innovative initiative is to increase the processes of value-based drug procurement, allowing CSC-affiliated health centers to focus on the evaluation of the clinical, economic, and social benefits that the drug can provide in relation to its cost.

For the design of these new procurement models, the "Lyfegen Agreements Library" database and the “Lyfegen Drug Contracting Simulator” were used, and work was done on the automation of administrative tasks and on improving interoperability among hospitals and health administrations. These tools allow the CSC to model various agreements and improve the drug management process in the central contracting office. The Health and Social Consortium of Catalonia thus becomes the first organization in Spain to incorporate these tools.

"From the Consortium, we are convinced that access to innovation and the sustainability of the health system relies on reaching innovative management agreements with pharmaceutical laboratories," says Josep Maria Guiu, director of the Pharmacy and Medication Area of the CSC. "The alliance with Lyfegen gives us a tool to work in this direction and to advance in the establishment of satisfactory agreements that facilitate access to innovation and contribute to the sustainability of the health system."

Girisha Fernando, CEO of Lyfegen, comments that "We are proud to help the Consortium lead access to innovation to improve patient care in Catalonia." "By using our advanced solutions, more than 100 health organizations throughout the region can research, model, and efficiently manage agreements, as well as value-based drug procurement," he adds.

“This allows professionals to really focus on what matters most: patient care.”

The collaboration with Lyfegen reflects the commitment of the Health and Social Consortium of Catalonia to value-based drug procurement and to access to pharmacological innovation, as well as the will to continue working for the implementation of solutions that ensure equity and sustainability of the health system.

The total contracting volume of the CSC, which acts as the purchasing center for the subsidized health sector of Catalonia, was 1.497 billion euros in 2023. Of this amount, 90% corresponded to medicines and 10% to sanitary products.

In recent years, the Consortium of Health and Social Services of Catalonia has incorporated social value aspects into the purchasing processes. For example, it has committed to ensuring that 100% of its drug and sanitary product tenders incorporate environmental clauses by 2024.

About Lyfegen

Lyfegen is an independent provider of rebate management software designed for the healthcare industry. Lyfegen solutions are used by health insurances, governments, hospital payers, and pharmaceutical companies around the globe to dramatically reduce the administrative burden of managing complex drug pricing agreements and to optimize rebates and get better value from those agreements. Lyfegen maintains the world’s largest digital repository of innovative drug pricing models and public agreements and offers access to a robust drug pricing simulator designed to dynamically simulate complex drug pricing scenarios to understand full financial impact. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, the company was founded in 2018 and has a market presence in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Learn more at


The Consortium of Health and Social of Catalonia (CSC) is a public entity with a local and associative basis, founded in 1983, which has its origin in the municipal movement. The CSC, a reference to the sector and with a clear vocation for service, has as a mission: to promote excellent and sustainable health and social models to improve the quality of life of the people, offering services of high added value to its partners. CSC wants to be the main reference for knowledge and capacity for cooperation, influence and anticipation in the face of the new challenges of the health and social system. All CSC associates are public or private non-profit bodies. For more information, please visit

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Do drug companies really want more competition? Value-based purchasing puts them to the test


Do drug companies really want more competition? Value-based purchasing puts them to the test

Pharma says they want greater competition within the industry and more incentives for pharmaceutical innovation; value-based purchasing agreements can provide both.

Value-based purchasing arrangements first appeared in the European markets in the 1990s, while U.S. healthcare markets did little with value-based contracts for pharmaceuticals until the 2000s. The high cost of new drugs coming to market, large annual increases in existing drug prices, and political pressure from lawmakers on payers to address the high cost of healthcare have encouraged stakeholders to make greater use of value-based purchasing arrangements.

It’s easy to understand the appeal of value-based purchasing agreements for private and public payers. Value-based purchasing is one way both U.S. and European payers are using to reduce overall healthcare spending.

For drug companies, value-based purchasing puts an end to their unencumbered pricing strategy. But pharmaceutical manufacturers realize value-based purchasing agreements are the best way, and maybe the only way, to get their new, higher-priced products covered by payers and into the treatment plans of patients.

How do pharmaceutical companies determine their drug prices?

Pharmaceutical companies are in business to generate as much revenue as possible without jeopardizing patients’ access to their treatments. In the U.S., where drug pricing is unregulated, pharmaceutical manufacturers can charge any price they want for their products. In the EU, member states use regulations such as direct control over pricing, referencing the average price of a drug among all EU members to set a national price, or regulating the drug manufacturers’ profit.

When deciding on a new drug’s retail price, the manufacturer considers several areas of concern such as the drug’s competition, government-granted exclusivity, patents in force, and a drug’s clinical effectiveness and benefit to patient outcomes.

Pricing a drug incorrectly can have severe consequences for the manufacturer’s bottom line. Private and public payers in the U.S. have ways of restricting patients’ access to drugs that they consider overpriced. In European countries, drug manufacturers risk being fined by authorities for unfair prices and excessive price hikes.

Value-based purchasing promotes competition in the pharmaceutical market

In the U.S., there are economic policies and legal loopholes that manipulate competition in the drug industry. The Biden administration considers this one of the key problems to address to support drug pricing reform. The president’s Executive Order 14036, the Competition Executive Order, calls for increased transparency, innovation, and competition.

Even though manufacturers take advantage of U.S. government protections that create temporary monopolies for some drugs, the large industry trade group PhRMA has joined the call for reforms that fix the current distortions in the market that stifle competition.

Manufacturers producing new drugs with in-class competition from other manufacturers—such as generics, biosimilars, or new uses or combinations of older drugs—use the real-world evidence gathered from value-based purchasing agreements to demonstrate the greater clinical value of their treatments compared to their competitors’ products. Data that show a drug’s uniqueness and effectiveness may be used to justify a manufacturer’s higher-than-average price.

In addition, manufacturers hope aligning a drug’s price to its clinical value will shift payers’ focus away from approving treatments based solely on the lowest price to covering similar treatments that might be more expensive but produce better health outcomes for patients.

Value-based purchasing incentivizes research and development (R&D) of new drugs

The post-market clinical data gathered under value-based purchasing can facilitate data-driven drug development. For example, the drug company Novartis published a position paper in which they stated they use real-world evidence to support the development of customized interventions and to invest in research in areas of the highest value for patients.

In the in recent years, the number of clinical trials and an overall increase in spending on brand-name prescription drugs suggest that pharmaceutical manufacturers have been concentrating their research and development dollars on new high-cost specialty drugs for complex, chronic, or rare conditions they expect will be the most profitable.

New treatments like these, where the drug’s value is yet to be established for payers, are good candidates for value-based purchasing arrangements. The successful implementation of value-based purchasing contracts—with better health outcomes for patients, cost controls for payers, and fair prices for manufacturers—encourages even more data-driven drug development.

The Lyfegen Platform

Value-based purchasing agreements are a complex but necessary part of doing business for pharmaceutical manufacturers. They provide a framework for assessing a drug’s value using shared outcome measures and provide real-world evidence of the benefits of their products for patient health outcomes. Manufacturers who are unwilling to enter into value-based purchasing contracts with payers may find themselves at a disadvantage in negotiations with other stakeholders.

Lyfegen’s software platform helps healthcare insurances, pharma, and medtech companies implement and scale value-based purchasing contracts with greater efficiency and transparency. The Lyfegen Platform collects real-world data and uses intelligent algorithms to provide valuable insights on drug performance and cost in value-based contracts. By enabling the shift away from volume-based and fee-for-service healthcare to value-based healthcare, Lyfegen increases access to healthcare treatments and their affordability.


Value-based purchasing arrangements first appeared in the European markets in the 1990s, while U.S. healthcare markets did little with va...

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